2019 NARCh Tournament Dates and Locations Announced!

by Daryn Goodwin

We are very excited to announce the dates and locations of our major events for 2019.

WINTERNATIONALS  - The Rinks in Huntington Beach on January 18th-21st, 2019. 

Block Schedule – http://www.narch.com/2019-winternationals-info

EAST COAST FINALS  - Taylor Sportsplex in Taylor, MI on June 21st – June 30th, 2019.

Block Schedule – http://www.narch.com/2019-ec-finals-info

WEST COAST FINALS - The Rinks in Irvine, CA on July 12th-21st, 2019.

Block Schedule – http://www.narch.com/2019-wc-finals-info

We are also working on finalizing our Regional Qualifying Schedule and hope to have that released very shortly!